Sunday, November 25, 2007

our last dance training

24th nov 07, saturday

today's the last dance training we're having before our grand finale at the esplanade. training was cool as we get to rehearse the whole routine. quite afraid that our performance is going to be screwed up that day as today is already the last training and some crew members which also includes me tends to forget some of the steps.

if that day i really do screwed up, i would just freestyle already. freestyle is way so easy for me. there's reporters from the chinese newspaper and and some directors of the performance came to view the training. my friend got interviewed.

after the training, the director came up to me and offered to give me an extra choreograph and invited me over for a personal dance training. training with professional choreographers. of course i would accept. meeting them in monday at paragon.

went to far east to shop with one of my crew member. bought stuffs for the performance itself. trained home after that.

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